Still around the technology world, this time I will provide the information the most warm and certainly very useful for you. This information will greatly assist you in finding a free web hosting. very helpful right? please refer to news about Web Hosting Service Provider | Best Free Web Hosting. Web Hosting sense is a form of rental services on the Internet that enables individuals or organizations displaying their products or services on the web / Internet site based from WIKIPEDIA. in the Internet world, the majority of web hosting service provider would charge at you. however, some web hosting below, truly not charge to you. As for web hosting are:
1. ESC-webhosting.co.cc
Best Web Hosting Originally from Indonesia. Using 'a powerful cluster of webserver' the whole contact each other so incorporated into a super computer. This new technology developed by some web hosting company. By combining the strengths and the number of servers used simultaneously to make a website very quickly accessible. The facility is 250 MB of disk space, Vista Panel, Web mail, 6 GB Monthly transfer, Password protected folders, POP email accounts, 3 MySQL databases, automatic installer, Park Domains, 5 Add-on domains, FTP accounts, Php MyAdmin, 5 Sub domains, Browser File manager, clustered servers
2. PHPNet.us
Space 350MB space, 15GB bandwidth, No banner
Supported Vista control panel using the Panel, MySQL, PHP, FTP, Free subdomain (username.phpnet.us). Suitable for e-commerce shop, a gallery of personal photos or content management business systems. From the bottom of the page of this site, you will find lots of free hosting is similar to PHPNet.us. This is suitable for you reply interested in creating online stores, such as the casio online or apple online, wrote course offers its flagship products such as Casio XJ-A Slim Design And Environmentally Friendly Projector or if the apple online store offers Apple iPad. you can create youre Online Store for free.
4. HyperPHP.com
250 MB space, 6 GB Bandwidth, No banner
View this site similar to My-PHP.net, they might have one direction in the course. In fact, any quota and features like My-PHP.net. If you've ever tried, My PHP.net service, such that the quality of services provided HyperPHP.com.
5. IfastNet.com
300 MB space, 6 GB Bandwidth, No banner
This Hostingan worth a try, the service is pretty good. Support FTP accounts, Unlimited POP email accounts, Fantastico type installer, VistaPanel Control Panel, MySQL databases 5.
6. IpowerHosts.com
Space 25 MB, 2 GB Bandwidth, No banner
Support web-based free email, free data backup, web control panel, guest book, file manager, online website builder and much more.
7. FreeServers.com
Space 50 MB, 1 GB Bandwidth, No banner
Service was pretty good hostingan. Not many netter Indonesia hostingan knows this, perhaps because of its features are incomplete. Not supported features such as FTP Access and Wordpress blog script.
8. JustFreeHost.com
Space 100 MB, 1 GB Bandwidth, No banner
A total of 120 thousand subdomains have been created from this site, the service we do not know because we've never tried it. But, there's nothing wrong if you try this hostingan services. According to information from "mbah Google" JustFreeHost.com less attractive to the official site hostingan be more fun if only used for practice to build a site, a result ... many of the collection sites abandoned and JustFreeHost.com ignored.
9. GetFreeHosting.co.uk
300 MB Space, 10 GB Bandwidth, No banner
Ni hostingan one of the best with the most features of the standard free hosting, you can enjoy a complete script Auto and support Joomla, Vista Panel, Full ht.access, monitor websites, Full FTP Access, Blog, forum, 24 Hour Service with Live chat and Free Bonus Extras.
10. FreeHosty.com
300 MB Space, 10 GB Bandwidth, No banner
Guests will hostingan get from this: Vista Panel, Web mail, PHP Flags manager POP email accounts, 7 MySQL databases, Automatic installer (29 scripts), Password protected folders, 5 Add-on domains, FTP accounts, Php MyAdmin, 5 Sub domains, File manager (browser upload)
11. FreeHostPage.com
Unlimitted Space, Bandwidth Unlimitted, no banners,
This free hosting which is horrendous, providing all services unlimitted, udah gitu without banners. Requirement is, you are only required to have domain.com, domain.com but you can not use this free service hostingan.
12. OxyHost.com
5 GB Space, 100 GB Bandwidth, no banners
Ni hostingan still relatively new, only established in 2008. But do not get me wrong, though still just standing in the year 2008, it became interesting hostingan with availability for resellers ht.access mania. Somewhat difficult indeed to find a free hostingan available ht.access services. To get a free hosting OxyHost.com, before you are required to become a member OxyTown.com. After registering a member, then you will be given no membership. No it useful when completing the registration form OxyHost.com. For those who do not understand the English language may be difficult to find where no membership. Somewhat hidden in the posts Forum.
13. Fusedtree.com,
20 GB Space, 200 GB Bandwidth, no banners
There is another good hostingan service, called Fusedtree.com, large space and large bandwidth, making this hostingan abroad faforit (other than Indonesia country of course). But, unfortunately Fusedtree.com look less professional, as evidenced by an email service which still use google mail.
14. FreeHostingz.com
10 GB Space, 100 GB Bandwidth, No banner
PHP 5 features, SQL support, Installer Script, Free web statistics, instant activation Website Builder, and others.
15. DotEasy.com
100 MB Space, 1000 MB Bandwidth, No banner
Host a free hosting package at this site supports Microsoft FrontPage and Dreamweaver. Also provides a complete service, such as Website Builder, Blog, Gallery and WebForum.
16. FreeWeb7.com
7 GB Space, 100 GB Bandwidth, No banner
Services from this hostingan good enough, you're ready to be served a complaint for 7 × 24 hours.
17. Bplaced.net
2GB Space, Bandwidth Unlimitted, No banner
Hostingannya service look more professional. You can try it. This site features PHP5, FTP access, MySQL & PostgreSQL, and 2 other free options with a different service.
18. Quotaless.com
Unlimitted Space, Bandwidth Unlimitted, No banner
Sites with Unlimitted service on the Internet the first time was quite a lot of demand (in addition to Internet users in Indonesia). But unfortunately, the service is unsatisfactory. You do get Unlimitted service, but you can not upload files to the control panel "file manager". So what's the point unlimitted service?
So many free services now right? not only Free Web Hosting Service Provider as above, now you can also send Free SMS from Internet via yahoo messenger, if you use Yahoo Messenger Latest Final Version
1. ESC-webhosting.co.cc
Best Web Hosting Originally from Indonesia. Using 'a powerful cluster of webserver' the whole contact each other so incorporated into a super computer. This new technology developed by some web hosting company. By combining the strengths and the number of servers used simultaneously to make a website very quickly accessible. The facility is 250 MB of disk space, Vista Panel, Web mail, 6 GB Monthly transfer, Password protected folders, POP email accounts, 3 MySQL databases, automatic installer, Park Domains, 5 Add-on domains, FTP accounts, Php MyAdmin, 5 Sub domains, Browser File manager, clustered servers
2. PHPNet.us
Space 350MB space, 15GB bandwidth, No banner
Supported Vista control panel using the Panel, MySQL, PHP, FTP, Free subdomain (username.phpnet.us). Suitable for e-commerce shop, a gallery of personal photos or content management business systems. From the bottom of the page of this site, you will find lots of free hosting is similar to PHPNet.us. This is suitable for you reply interested in creating online stores, such as the casio online or apple online, wrote course offers its flagship products such as Casio XJ-A Slim Design And Environmentally Friendly Projector or if the apple online store offers Apple iPad. you can create youre Online Store for free.
4. HyperPHP.com
250 MB space, 6 GB Bandwidth, No banner
View this site similar to My-PHP.net, they might have one direction in the course. In fact, any quota and features like My-PHP.net. If you've ever tried, My PHP.net service, such that the quality of services provided HyperPHP.com.
5. IfastNet.com
300 MB space, 6 GB Bandwidth, No banner
This Hostingan worth a try, the service is pretty good. Support FTP accounts, Unlimited POP email accounts, Fantastico type installer, VistaPanel Control Panel, MySQL databases 5.
6. IpowerHosts.com
Space 25 MB, 2 GB Bandwidth, No banner
Support web-based free email, free data backup, web control panel, guest book, file manager, online website builder and much more.
7. FreeServers.com
Space 50 MB, 1 GB Bandwidth, No banner
Service was pretty good hostingan. Not many netter Indonesia hostingan knows this, perhaps because of its features are incomplete. Not supported features such as FTP Access and Wordpress blog script.
8. JustFreeHost.com
Space 100 MB, 1 GB Bandwidth, No banner
A total of 120 thousand subdomains have been created from this site, the service we do not know because we've never tried it. But, there's nothing wrong if you try this hostingan services. According to information from "mbah Google" JustFreeHost.com less attractive to the official site hostingan be more fun if only used for practice to build a site, a result ... many of the collection sites abandoned and JustFreeHost.com ignored.
9. GetFreeHosting.co.uk
300 MB Space, 10 GB Bandwidth, No banner
Ni hostingan one of the best with the most features of the standard free hosting, you can enjoy a complete script Auto and support Joomla, Vista Panel, Full ht.access, monitor websites, Full FTP Access, Blog, forum, 24 Hour Service with Live chat and Free Bonus Extras.
10. FreeHosty.com
300 MB Space, 10 GB Bandwidth, No banner
Guests will hostingan get from this: Vista Panel, Web mail, PHP Flags manager POP email accounts, 7 MySQL databases, Automatic installer (29 scripts), Password protected folders, 5 Add-on domains, FTP accounts, Php MyAdmin, 5 Sub domains, File manager (browser upload)
11. FreeHostPage.com
Unlimitted Space, Bandwidth Unlimitted, no banners,
This free hosting which is horrendous, providing all services unlimitted, udah gitu without banners. Requirement is, you are only required to have domain.com, domain.com but you can not use this free service hostingan.
12. OxyHost.com
5 GB Space, 100 GB Bandwidth, no banners
Ni hostingan still relatively new, only established in 2008. But do not get me wrong, though still just standing in the year 2008, it became interesting hostingan with availability for resellers ht.access mania. Somewhat difficult indeed to find a free hostingan available ht.access services. To get a free hosting OxyHost.com, before you are required to become a member OxyTown.com. After registering a member, then you will be given no membership. No it useful when completing the registration form OxyHost.com. For those who do not understand the English language may be difficult to find where no membership. Somewhat hidden in the posts Forum.
13. Fusedtree.com,
20 GB Space, 200 GB Bandwidth, no banners
There is another good hostingan service, called Fusedtree.com, large space and large bandwidth, making this hostingan abroad faforit (other than Indonesia country of course). But, unfortunately Fusedtree.com look less professional, as evidenced by an email service which still use google mail.
14. FreeHostingz.com
10 GB Space, 100 GB Bandwidth, No banner
PHP 5 features, SQL support, Installer Script, Free web statistics, instant activation Website Builder, and others.
15. DotEasy.com
100 MB Space, 1000 MB Bandwidth, No banner
Host a free hosting package at this site supports Microsoft FrontPage and Dreamweaver. Also provides a complete service, such as Website Builder, Blog, Gallery and WebForum.
16. FreeWeb7.com
7 GB Space, 100 GB Bandwidth, No banner
Services from this hostingan good enough, you're ready to be served a complaint for 7 × 24 hours.
17. Bplaced.net
2GB Space, Bandwidth Unlimitted, No banner
Hostingannya service look more professional. You can try it. This site features PHP5, FTP access, MySQL & PostgreSQL, and 2 other free options with a different service.
18. Quotaless.com
Unlimitted Space, Bandwidth Unlimitted, No banner
Sites with Unlimitted service on the Internet the first time was quite a lot of demand (in addition to Internet users in Indonesia). But unfortunately, the service is unsatisfactory. You do get Unlimitted service, but you can not upload files to the control panel "file manager". So what's the point unlimitted service?
So many free services now right? not only Free Web Hosting Service Provider as above, now you can also send Free SMS from Internet via yahoo messenger, if you use Yahoo Messenger Latest Final Version
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