Monday, June 13, 2011

Anthony Weiner Lewd Photos | Congressman Weiner Lewd Photo

Anthony weiner lewd photo spread on the internet through him ​​twitter account. he is a member of the United States House of Representatives of the democrat party faction. The circulating of Anthony weiner lewd photos on twitter led to resentment the leaders of the Democratic Party. Moreover, Anthony Weiner insisted so far refused to resign. Seeing this, they increasingly vigorous Weiner urged to resign from the U.S. Congress.

Congressman weiner lewd photos become the headlines after he submitted a photo close-up crotch into a woman aged 21 years through Twitter. Weiner initially denied that a picture of him and insisted that the Twitter account has been hacked. But lately anthony weiner confess. In a press conference in New York, Monday, June 6 local time ago, Weiner apologized for circulating Anthony Weiner Lewd Photos. While crying, Weiner also admitted that he had improperly associated with the six women for 3 years through Twitter, Facebook and phone. But Weiner claim to have never met or physically associated with them.

anthony weiner lewd photo

Insistence on the pullback weiner come from the various parties involved the circulation of the Anthony weiner lewd photo. It is said Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party leaders including House minority leader Nancy Pelosi has decided to conduct pressure. pressure also came from Republicans on the resignation of Weiner. "It's become increasingly absurd," said a member of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan of the Republican Party.

"He should resign .... because we have important work to be done. And this really is ridiculous interference,"Ryan said.

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